Monday, March 8, 2010

my beautiful week 9

The thing I love most about collecting these daily tidbits is that I can look back on what feels like has been a rather dismal week and realise that despite my gloom, there has been plenty of loveliness. Here are 3 of many:

- Shelby is fascinated with my knitting project. She swipes her paw at the twitching strand of wool each time I yank it towards the next stitch.

- I head off for a walk along Inland Road and before long a light shower of rain has started to fall. I continue, enjoying the cool freshness and quiet softness that comes with rainfall. The road is gravel and meanders up into the hills past fields of sheep, rundown barns and clusters of cabbage trees.

- On the drive home from school we see our dance teacher walking towards the hall to teach her Friday classes; her red sequined skirt sparkles in the afternoon sunlight.

* photo: Cabbage Trees by Diana Adams

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