Thursday, September 2, 2010

reflections on the august break

Wow, it feels weird to be posting words again, as opposed to just uploading a photo! I really enjoyed taking part in the August Break - for me the break was more of a 'breakthrough'.
Here are some great truths which were reinforced for me during the month:

- committing publicly to a group project is a great way to gain inspiration, support and ongoing feedback

- your number one critic/fan is yourself - take note of her feedback but don't get caught up in it or put off by it!

- when you pay attention, life presents all sorts of opportunities that otherwise go unnoticed

- when you notice what is right in front of you, you realise that the answer is always staring you in the face

- photography (and/or any other form of creativity) is a great way of focusing on life as it is, and finding the beauty that is always present

- seeking beauty is a short cut to a life filled with love, appreciation and abundance since 'to appreciate' also means 'to escalate' i.e. when you appreciate what you have, you automatically attract more things to 'appreciate' :: the result - ABUNDANCE

- a month (or a year, or a lifetime) is only ever presented to you one day (and in fact, one moment) at a time - all you have to do is show up, pay attention, make a choice, and do what needs to be done

- you always do have a choice: about what to do, where to go, what to focus on, how to respond, how to live, and who to love

- you can travel to new places without leaving your home town - all you have to do is take a different route

I'm planning on continuing with this photography thing...hopefully getting a few expert tips from my dear sister when I am in Cape Town later this month (YAY!)

I've also signed up for Joanna Paterson's Treasure Conscious 8-week online course starting on 13 September - looking forward to using writing and photography to continue to explore the treasures in every day.

Happy Spring to all you Southern Hemisphere readers! Happy Autumn, if you live north of the Equator!


  1. Great points. I agree that I'm my toughest critic/fan. I have quite a bit of perfectionist in me.

    Thanks for the Happy Autumn. Happy Spring to you!!

  2. wow, what a list! I agree with so much of it, it's easy to get caught up in the scary world of online approval. Do continue as you take great photos!

  3. Thanks for your comments, Terresa and Justine!
