Friday, June 18, 2010

quote to remember

This week I'm reading Karen Maezen Miller's wise and wonderful Hand Wash Cold for the third time. With each reading something new leaps off the page at me. This week it was this:

'Meditation is misunderstood as something you envision in your head, when in fact it is something to be seen with your own eyes. What you begin to see is that the place where you thought your life occurred - the cave of rumination and memory, the cauldron of anxiety and fear - isn't where your life takes place at all. Those mental recesses are where pain occurs, but life occurs elsewhere, in a place we are usually too preoccupied to notice, too distracted to see: right in front of our eyes. The point of meditation is to stop making things up and see things as they are.'


  1. I have only just discovered this book. It is quiet wonderful!

  2. Yes! I'm discovering there are so many stories I tell myself about who I am, what's going on - and they are just that - stories.

    I haven't read the book, but it is on my list.

    Kimberley (215800)

  3. Thank you for the lovely comment over on The Found Art Project! Yes, we do have so much in common! Wish we were neighbors and could go for lunch! Amazing that we can find each other halfway (more than halfway!) around the world! Thank you for putting me on your blogroll! :)
